
Google Cloud Deletes $125 Billion Pension Account: What Went Wrong?

Google Cloud accidentally deleted a massive Australian pension fund's account, causing a week-long outage for over half a million people. While no data was lost and it wasn't a cyberattack, it highlights the importance of strong backups and robust cloud configurations for critical financial data. The Specifics: UniSuper: This is an Australian superannuation fund catering to employees in higher education and research sectors. It manages retirement savings for over half a million members. Google Cloud: UniSuper utilized Google Cloud's private cloud services, a secure, isolated environment within Google's cloud infrastructure. The Cause: While the exact details haven't been publicly disclosed, experts believe the "misconfiguration" likely involved an error during provisioning (setting up) UniSuper's private cloud account. This could include: Accidental deletion: A human error during account creation could have triggered the deletion. Configur

Can Childhood Sleep Issues Increase the Risk of Psychosis in Adulthood? Exploring the Research and What Parents Can Do

Recent research suggests a connection between chronic sleep problems in childhood and an increased risk of developing psychosis in adulthood. Here's a breakdown: The Study: Researchers analyzed data from a long-term study tracking nearly 12,400 children's sleep patterns from infancy (6 months old) to early childhood (7 years old). They then followed up on these children's mental health in early adulthood (around 24 years old). Several studies have explored the relationship between sleep disturbances in childhood and later mental health outcomes. One significant study published in the JAMA Psychiatry journal in 2019 examined data from a longitudinal birth cohort study in the United Kingdom. The researchers found that children who experienced persistent sleep problems throughout childhood were more likely to develop psychotic experiences in adolescence. Another study published in the Schizophrenia Bulletin in 2020 also found a correlation between childhood sleep disturban